Saturday is for Cleansing and Protection

 Good Morning and Happy Saturday!

Saturday is a day for protection, banishing, and cleansing! Today is a good idea to clean up any messes you've been ignoring. It is a day for cleaning and cleansing! You should cleanse your home and yourself to remove negativity from you and your home.

Deities: Saturn and Hecate
Planet: Saturn
Color: Black, Gray, Brown.
Chakra: Third Eye and Earth
Element: Earth
Spell Work: Protection, Banishing, Psychic Attacks, Cleansing, Transformation, Self-Discipline, and Weight Loss
Plants: Mryhh, Patchouli, Hemp, Moss, and Ivy
: Black Tourmaline, Jet, Onyx, Obsidian, Hematite, Lava, Pumice, Amethyst, and Labradorite

If you are not big into magic or such, you can do small things, such as just wear black today to pull some color magic into your life.  Black is good for protection from negativity. You could burn myrrh or patchouli to help cleanse your space. You can even just enjoy some black tea. One great thing you can do is make a 'home protection spray'. Small things can make a big impact!

Home Protection Spray: Moon water, rosemary, black tourmaline, and salt mixed together in a spray bottle.

If you are looking for just some crystals for protection, these include Amethysts, Onyx, Prehnite, Obsidian, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline, and Smokey Quartz. You can carry them with you, meditate with them, or place them in the four main corners of your home.

The best part is we have all of these crystals!

Have a great Saturday! I really hope you all enjoyed your week!