
Danburite looks similar to Quartz, but while Quartz crystals grow in pointed pyramids, Danburite has a blunted wedge-like shape and is slightly harder, similar to a Topaz. It has a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5. It is usually colorless, like quartz, but can also be either pale yellow, yellowish-brown, or pink. Sometimes it can even be found with a druzy coating of Quartz over it. It is named for Danbury, Connecticut, United States, where it was first discovered in 1839 by Charles Upham Shephard.

Chakra: Crown and Heart
Planet: Neptune
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Leo

Care: It is a pretty resilient crystal, but you should avoid direct sunlight, heat, and extreme heat changes.

 It is a spiritual stone carrying a very pure vibration activating the intellect and higher consciousness that links to the angelic realms. It allows communication with angels and spirit guides. Dreams will become better understood and will help you decipher the true meaning behind them.

It is an excellent stone for those who need to release stress and worry. It helps you release grief, fear, anxiety, resentment, or anger. It helps with your desicion making abilities. Danburite pushes you to reach a resolution, whether it be with yourself or others. The connection between your mind and heart will assist you in only absorbing positive energy. You will become more in touch with yourself and the energy around you.

It is a wonderful healing crystal as it facilitates the connection to the energies of Reiki. 

Placing it on the bedside may accompany the dying on their journey beyond death, enabling a conscious transition to take place. It aids with grief and keeps you moving on. It is particularly good for helping you feel the presence of your loved ones who have passed over.

We do have danburite available in our shop if you are interested.