Things You can do during a Full Moon

August 30th, 2023, there will be a full moon. Not only will it be a full moon, but a BLUE SUPERMOON. No, the moon will not actually be blue. And it is not super rare. A blue moon means that there is a second full moon in one month. This only happens every 32 months. But it is also considered a Supermoon too. A supermoon is a full moon that is the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the Moon as viewed from Earth. The last Blue Supermoon was in December 2009 and the next one won't be until August 2032. The full moon peaks on 9:36 PM ET on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, but generally looks full a day before and the day after too. This time can also differ depending on where you live.

Full moons are magical times when the veil between the physical and spiritual dimensions is thin. The potent energies of a full moon enhance our intuition and help us tap into our psychic abilities. Our emotions are heightened and we become more sensitive, reflective, and perhaps a bit more anxious than usual. A lot of people experience insomnia, weird moods, and heightened emotions during full moons. This is why it is extremely important to stay grounded and practice self-care during this time.

Metaphysically, the Blue Moon represents our rare opportunity to fully express ourselves through communication and clarity of expression. It represents our Throat Chakra. You should use this rare occasion to open up, and relay your inner thoughts and creativity.

Also! Saturn reached opposition (meaning it was aligned with the sun and Earth, with our planet in the middle) on August 27. And, of course, the moon is also in opposition with the sun whenever it's full. The result: When you look up at the full moon on August 30, Saturn will appear close by like a bright, untwinkling "star." To find it, look about five and a half degrees to the upper right of the moon, says If you have high-powered binoculars, you can even see Saturn's rings! How cool is that!?

Working with crystals during a full moon can provide extra support and guidance, especially if you do find it hard to sleep or deal with extra negativity. 

Crystals you can use are:

  • Moonstone - Moonstone is great for connection and dreams. Working with moonstone during the full moon helps you receive guidance and messages from your guardian angel and spirit guides. You can use it while meditating or place it under your pillow while you sleep.

  • Citrine - It is for manifestation and prosperity. During the night of the full moon, make a list of your heart´s desires and place it under your pillow or somewhere near your bed together with a citrine crystal. This will help you manifest your dreams.

  • Fluorite - Fluorite is for clarity. It can help you regain your sense of purpose and direction. You can leave it near your desk where you work the most or keep it with you to help you focus.

  • Smokey Quartz - Smokey Quartz is for Grounding. It gives protection from negativity that can occur during this time and helps keep you grounded.  If you do not have smokey quartz, you can use any black crystal such as obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, or black onyx.

  • Selenite - Selenite is amazing at cleansing your aura and is very calming. You can meditate with it or keep it near your bed to help relax you.

  • Amethyst - Amethyst helps with negativity during the night, aiding those who have nightmares. It also enhances intuition for those who want to practice divination during a full moon.
*Note: MetaRocks Plus does have all these items in their shop available!*

Things you can do during a full moon:

  1. Ground yourself. Seriously. The time leading up to a full Moon can often make people moody, sensitive, and fatigued. It is helpful to use this time to pause and ask yourself how you are feeling physically and mentally. Being in tune with your feelings will help you stay grounded and help you efficiently make positive changes. The full Moon is the perfect time to look inward and recalibrate. You can also use this time to connect with nature, as it helps with the grounding process. Put your bare feet in the grass. Sit near a tree. Work in your garden. Go for a hike. Ground. Ground. Ground.

  2. A full moon is also the perfect time to set your crystals out to charge. Crystals can be used to help you with your everyday life and spiritual needs, but they can also accumulate energy over time. It's important to cleanse your crystals regularly to keep them working at their best. While there are plenty of ways to cleanse and re-charge your crystals, the full moon is a powerful way to cleanse, clear, and re-charge your crystals.

  3. Cleanse your space. You need to let go of that negativity and stagnant energy. Cleansing yourself and your space around you will help you do that. You can cleanse with sound, smoke, or cleansing sprays. You can also take this time to clean the clutter that is around you. Donate or trash some things you no longer need. Open the windows and let in some air. Wipe up some dust and cobwebs.

  4. Say affirmations. They are a great way to set intentions and attract positivity in your life. Make wishes. Be grateful. Set intentions. Journaling is also a great way to do this too. You can write down your affirmations and intentions to set them into motion.

  5. You can make moon water. Moon water is water that has had time to sit under the light of the full moon and soak up some of its power. You can use this water for cleansing, rituals, or even just to water your plants to give them an extra boost!  

  6. You can try meditation. Meditation offers the perfect opportunity to sit with your thoughts and reflect. Use the energy of the full Moon, when emotions often come to the surface, for some meditative introspection. All it takes is five minutes. If you are not good a meditation, you can just try some deep breathing.

  7. Take some time to tie up some loose ends. This is a great time for you to also bring things to a close. Finish any odd jobs you have been putting off and check off any annoying things still lurking on your to-do list, making space for new projects during the waxing phase. It is also helpful to look back at what you have already checked off. Pat yourself on the back be proud of what you have completed! You deserve it!

  8. Take a moonlit walk. Walking in the light of a full Moon can be magical. Its gentle glow can have a calming effect, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. Stand outside in the light of the full Moon and bathe in its power. Tune into how the trees and sky look in the moonlight. Pay extra attention to the sounds and smells of the night air. Obviously, do it safely. If you don't feel safe out at night, try opening your window that has a direct view of the full moon and enjoy your time there. 

  9. Take a cleansing bath. Use this time to relax, meditate, and center yourself, focusing on your breath. When you let the water out of the tub, imagine you are letting go of whatever is no longer useful to you—right down the drain. If you’re not a bath person, take a shower. Focus on washing away the dirt, negative energy, and things you have collected throughout the day (or month), and imagine the water healing you as it rolls off your body.

  10. This is a great time to practice your divination. Full moons are magical times when the veil between the physical and spiritual dimensions is thin. The potent energies of a full moon enhance our intuition and help us tap into our psychic abilities. Take this time to read your tarot or oracle cards. Pull out that pendulum, crystal ball, or runes. Make some tea and read those leaves. You can also try out some new divination practices as well.

  11. You can go get your haircut. Apparently, it is the perfect time for a trim, mainly if you focus on split or damaged ends, so your hair can grow longer (according to its natural cycle) and thicker.

  12. You can throw a full moon celebration or ritual. Full Moon Rituals are a great way to take a break from your everyday life and reconnect yourself with the energies around you. We can set goals for ourselves and how we want to improve our lives, such as by finding more happiness or peace of mind. We can also use this time as an opportunity to forgive others who may have hurt us in the past and move forward with our lives. Here is a simple releasing ritual you can do: Under the full moon, spend time alone in your journal to write down all that you are ready to release. Once this list is complete, fold it several times and then find a fire-safe bowl (glass, iron, and ceramic) to place your list in. Safely light the edge of your list on fire and watch as all of the things that have been weighing you down start to burn away. After the list has turned to ash, you dispose of the ashes (safely) and say “I release what no longer serves me with love” and allow yourself to leave it behind you.

The Blue Supermoon is a time when you are meant to do something extraordinary. It's all about expanding your horizons. Whatever you may do, I hope you enjoy your full moon!