Moonstone is also known as Hecatolite or Adularia. Moonstone is a variety of the feldspar-group mineral orthoclase. During formation, orthoclase and albite separate into alternating layers. When light falls between these thin layers it is scattered producing the phenomenon called adularescence. Adularescence is the light that appears to billow across a gem. The diffracted light varies from white to blue, depending on the thinness of the albite layers. The body color of a moonstone is generally due to its iron content and may be white, beige, brown, red-brown, orange, greenish, or yellowish.
Chakra: Third Eye and Solar Plexus.
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Gemini, and Scorpio.
Care: Moonstones have a Mohs hardness of 6.0 and a slight tendency to chip. Don't use ultrasonic or steam for cleaning. Instead, use only warm, soapy water and a soft brush. To cleanse, the best way is the moonlight, but you can also use selenite, smoke, sound, or running water.
With each different color of Moonstone, you can get a variety of metaphysical properties, but in general, it is a traveler's stone, offering protection, especially when traveling at night. It promotes youthfulness, mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, fertility, love, and creativity. It helps you fall asleep at night, reduces stress and emotional imbalance, and encourages empathy and compassion. It is great at enhancing your clairvoyant abilities. During a full moon, it was particularly praised and valued. The Romans admired moonstone, as they believed it was derived from frozen rays of the Moon. Both the Romans and Greeks associated moonstone with their lunar deities.Black Moonstone - It helps you to connect with your feelings and emotions on a very profound level. It is great at opening blockages and allowing for guided healing from past emotional trauma. It allows you to work on connecting to your intuition and emotional "thoughts". It also has the added element of protection from negative energies.
Gray Moonstone - It’s relatively common for gray moonstone to occur at the time of stone formation. It is said to have many intuitive and emotional properties. It brings love and peace, especially if you have had to close up your emotions for survival. It helps bring out an emphatic response, bringing feeling back to those who've been numb. If you want to work more closely with unseen realms, it allows you to peer beyond the veil of illusions that rule the physical world. It also works better with the New Moon rather than the Full Moon.
Peach Moonstone - Peach moonstone is really a mixture of quartz and moonstone combined. It can also look more yellow or orange. It supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety. It brings out the best in people, including you. It promotes the divine in all situations. It is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children.
Pink Moonstone - Pink moonstone is rare and is actually known as Pink Flake Moonstone. It’s the stone for lovers as it ignites passion and romantic compatibility in even the most unlikely of individuals. It is highly feminine.
Red Moonstone - It is sometimes called Fire Moonstone. It occurs when a stone is on its way to taking on a brown or gray hue, but is dug up before it can properly do so. Red moonstone is interesting because it moves moonstone into the root chakra, making it a grounding stone, which is not something that moonstone typically offers.
White/Blue Moonstone - Most forms of natural moonstone hold a natural blue sheen that refracts the light that catches the stone. Sometimes, these stones are named blue moonstones. There is no physical difference between blue moonstone and regular moonstone, other than the fact that one has been cut in the presence of sheen, and the other is merely the surrounding rock where the sheen did not reach. When a moonstone doesn’t hold that blue sheen, it may simply be referred to as a white moonstone. It can bring inner growth and strength. It is a symbol of fertility and sensuality. It assists with most female "issues" including, but not limited to: balancing hormonal cycles, PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, menopause, and alleviating degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, and eyes. It stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. It can also aid with insomnia, intuition, inspiration, success, and good fortune.
Garnierite - It is also called Green Moonstone. It is a variety of Serpentine with a high Nickel content. Garnierite is sometimes called the "Stone of the Goddess", as it is strongly associated with Mother Earth and the goddess Gaia in spirituality. It has all the properties of moonstone with an emphasis on emotional healing, emotional balance, and emotional freedom. It is a very calming stone, helping to ease stress, anxiety, worry, and overwhelming feelings. It brings mystery and magic, as well as love and compassion. It works to help you “go with the flow” in all areas of life, as well as to maintain composure in situations that seek to pull you from your own truth. It can be used to attract good luck, wealth, and prosperity, and to help you achieve your goals. It is helpful in attracting friendships and new acquaintances and can also be used to help heal rifts in friendships.
Rainbow Moonstone - In rare instances, a multicolored schiller displays blue with green and/or orange colors, a phenomenon known as labradorescence. Although such stones are often called "rainbow moonstones," they're technically a variety of translucent labradorite. They are not moonstone. They can bring harmony, balance, and hope, in the same way that genuine moonstone can. They can aid in the experience of visions or premonitions of things that are not yet abundantly clear. If you struggle to connect with your spirituality, it is great to work with this stone, even as a beginner.