It is also known by the spelling of Cornelian. The color can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black coloration. It is a variety of Chalcedony, a silica mineral that takes its color from iron oxide.
Chakra: Root and Sacral ChakraZodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Care: It has a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs Scale, meaning that is
quite a hard stone. However, it should be kept in mind that carnelian, when
exposed to sunlight for a considerable time, will change its color. This is
because of the presence of iron within the stone. It is safe in the water and can
be washed off. It should be protected from hard blows or extreme temperature
It is a stabilizing stone. It strengthens
concentration and helps with overcoming the fear of public speaking. It increases
your self-worth and dispels negative energies, replacing them with positive
ones. It aids in helping you find direction. It brings confidence and passion. It is an
energy booster and increases your appetite. It is great for those who are still
learning and doing lessons. It is great for increasing productivity. It is a
good luck stone and was often worn by kings. Carnelian is also a great
"creativity stone". It is my favorite crystal to have with me while
creating art. It restores your lost vitality and motivation. It brings with it
abundance and positivity! If you are plagued with PMS or other menstrual
symptoms, having a carnelian stone is supposed to aid with those symptoms.
We have a variety of carnelian available in our shop and group if you are interested.