Onyx refers to the parallel banded variety of chalcedony. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has parallel bands. The colors of its bands range from black to almost every color. Commonly, specimens of onyx contain bands of black, white, or both. Onyx can also be green, pink, brown, red, green, and even clear with white banding. It is mostly made of calcite and has a waxy luster. Sardonyx, a variant of onyx in which the colored bands are shades of red rather than black, was used by ancient Romans when they entered the battle. They carried amulets of sardonyx engraved with Mars, the god of war. This was believed to bestow courage in battle. Sardonyx was also traditionally used by English midwives to ease childbirth by laying it between the breasts of the mother. Other variants of onyx are Carnelian Onyx, Niccolo Onyx, Blue, Black, White, Red, and Banded Onyx.
White is mostly used for the crown chakra.
Green would work best for the heart chakra.
Zodiac: Capricorn and Leo
Element: Earth.
Planet: Mars and Saturn.
Care: It has a Mohs hardness of 7, making it a durable stone. Gem
cutters should use dust masks and have proper ventilation for their workspaces
due to the mineral dust. It is quite hard and does not react with acids in any
way, similar to agates. If you have black onyx, it should be cleansed more
often as they have a way to absorb more negativity. Cleansing can be done in a
variety of ways, such as smoke, sound, and selenite. Some Onyx is dyed to
enhance its banding. If you happen to have one like that, you should not use it
with chemicals, cleaners, tumblers, or ultrasonic cleaners.
The meaning of Onyx is protection and fortune. Even Cleopatra was believed to keep the stone close as it was known for its potent protective powers. It is used for protection and shielding you against anything that could bring harm. Onyx's protective qualities make it perfect to carry when traveling and protect you from evil and disharmony. It is grounding and stable, taking aggressive energies and using them to build up physical and mental strength, persistence, and endurance. It draws in happiness and good fortune. It amplifies intuitive gifts, centers you, brings clear-headedness, enhances concentration with multitasking, and even cleanses the air. It brings determination, concentration, inner strength, focused attention, willpower, discipline, and reason. It helps to keep stability and balance, especially within a relationship. It is also great at encouraging new beginnings.
If you are interested in Onyx, we have black, white, and banded types available. You can find them on our Facebook Group or Email me at metarocksplus@outlook.com