
Unakite is an altered granite composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and generally colorless quartz. It is not a jasper as many people think. It was first found in the United States in the Unaka mountain range of North Carolina from which it gets its name. Unakite can be found on the shores of Lake Superior. It also occurs in Virginia where it is found in the river valleys after having been washed down from the Blue Ridge Mountains. Unakite is not limited to the United States and has also been reported in South Africa, Sierra Leone, Brazil, China, and Australia. Unakite comes in various shades of green and pink and is usually mottled in appearance. It is also been named Epidotized, Epidote Granite, or Unakite Jasper. It is not a current birthstone, but it has been historically assigned to March.

The most famous building known to have Unakite is the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. You can see it as trimming on the front steps right as you walk in or as floor tiles located at the south entrance.

Chakra: Third Eye and Heart.
Zodiac: Capricorn and Scorpio.
Element: Earth.
Planet: Earth.
Care: It is a hardy stone with a Mohs of 6.0 to 7.0. It is always recommended to never use chemicals or acids on your stones. You can cleanse it in a variety of ways safely, including sunlight, water, salt, and soil.

Unakite aids in releasing pain and anger that you may have been having trouble letting go of. It will help push out those “dead weight” feelings you continue to carry with you. Those feelings serve you no purpose and are just taking up space. It builds self-confidence, strengthens courage, and encourages love and compassion for yourself. It unleashes buried emotional pain and also aids in the body’s healing process. It encourages healing, attunement, and patience. It also aids in the release of bad habits, addictions, depression, and insomnia. Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for scrying. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding you while bringing emotions and spirituality together.

It is also recommended for a safe pregnancy (as is Moonstone) and the healthy growth of the infant while in its mother’s womb. It is also believed to affect the reproductive system and the growth of skin and hair.

Due to Unakite having Epidote in it, this mineral is a natural enhancer of any emotion or vibration that is placed around it. This means, that if you are having a good day, it will enhance your good day, but if you are having a bad day, it will also enhance your feelings associated with that day. It is best to place it to the side when you are not having the best of days. It is okay to try again tomorrow!